Pakistan: Nearly 200 Christians are being held on blasphemy charges

Pakistan: Nearly 200 Christians are being held on blasphemy charges by Pamela Geller for Geller Report

GNN Note – When dealing with corporate media reports we have learned there is almost always more to the story than is originally reported.


Expect the West to do nothing, say nothing, to save these Christians and religious minorities, so cowed are they. It’s worse than that. Not only won’t they act, but Western elites strictly adhere and enforce the blasphemy laws under the sharia. They attack those of us, like me, who refuse to submit to the most savage and extreme ideology on the face of the earth. Because our stand in defense of freedom shows them to be the craven quislings that they are. They won’t depict Muhammad or say a cross word about that mass murderer, but they viciously attack decent Americans who stand in defense of freedom.

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“Pakistan: Nearly 200 cases of Christians on blasphemy charges,” by Tobias Lehner and John Pontifex, Independent Catholic News, January 23, 2019:

There are nearly 200 cases of Christians in Pakistan charged with blasphemy – the controversial law made famous by Asia Bibi.

Father James Channon, director of the Peace Center in Lahore, which promotes inter-faith relations, said research by the Catholic Church had revealed 187 live cases of Christians charged with blasphemy which in Pakistan can carry sentences of life imprisonment or death.

Added to this figure is the case of Asia Bibi, whose death penalty conviction for blasphemy was overturned last October by Pakistan’s Supreme Court, a decision which created headlines around the world.

Speaking in an interview with Aid to the Church in Need, Father Channon said: “Even now, after her acquittal, she is anything but safe.

“Radical Islamists are trying to find her so they can kill her. That is why she is currently under state protection.”

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